Read articles from South America
January 04, 2024 by
LATAM FIGHT FOR SAFER PRODUCTS | With Ignacio Leiva and Alexandro Lucian
December 14, 2023 by
Argentina Urged to Repeal E-cigarette Ban
The Argentinean vapers’ association, Asovape Argentina, and the World Vapers’ Alliance have sent an open letter Argentina’s recently elected president, Javier Milei, calling for the repeal of the National Administration of Medicines, Food and Medical Technology Provision 3226/2011 banning the commercialization of e-cigarettes. The provision banned the import, distribution, marketing, advertising and promotion of e-cigarettes. It went into effect May 6, 2011.
December 01, 2023 by
PART 2: WHAT NEXT FOR BRAZIL? | Featuring Alexandro Lucian
In part two of our Brazil special, Alexandro Lucian walks us through the mayhem of black market vaping sales in Brazil amidst calls for reform of the blanket vaping ban currently in place.
November 28, 2023 by
BRAZIL'S THR HEADACHE | Alexandro Lucian discusses the way forward for Brazil's vaping activists
Brazilian tobacco harm reduction (THR) activists face an uphill battle against the combined efforts of vaping bans, well funded anti-THR messaging and nicotine misinformation. In today's episode, we're joined by Alexandro Lucian to find out if there's a way forward for THR in Brazil.
November 14, 2023 by
Vaping In Brazil With Alexandro “Hazard” Lucian
[...] Alberto Gomez Hernandez, takes us on a journey through the vaping scene in Brazil, featuring a thought-provoking conversation with Alexandro “Hazard” Lucian, the driving force behind Vapor Aqui. In this episode, explore the maze of vaping regulations in Brazil, shedding light on how decisions made within its borders might set precedents for the wider Latin American region.
October 12, 2023 by
Panama Ban Challenged
Panama's vape ban has been challenged by the Panamanian Tobacco Harm Reduction Association and accepted by the Panamanian Supreme Court of Justice. The consumer advocacy organisation contends that the prohibition is unconstitutional and regional experts are hoping that the weight of evidence in favour of vaping and tobacco harm reduction will win the day. The Panamanian Tobacco Harm Reduction Association (ARDTP) says: “Panama's Supreme Court of Justice accepts the unconstitutionality lawsuit against Law 315 of 2022 that banned the use, importation and commercialisation of electronic nicotine delivery systems, such as e-cigarettes and heated tobacco products, in Panama.
August 07, 2023 by
Venezuela Bans Vapes on Maduro's Order
The government of Venezuela has banned e-cigarettes and heated tobacco products—including personal use by individuals. The decision came in an Aug. 1 health ministry resolution, which claims the action is based on health concerns. The resolution, published in the country’s official gazette, prohibits the “manufacture, storage, distribution, circulation, commercialization, import, export, use, consumption, advertising, promotion, and sponsorship” of all vaping products—including products that contain no nicotine.
August 07, 2023 by
Gobierno venezolano prohíbe el uso y comercialización de cigarrillos electrónicos
Las autoridades de salud de Venezuela anunciaron el jueves que resolvieron prohibir la utilización, fabricación e importación de cigarrillos electrónicos, sin excepciones. A partir de su publicación en la Gaceta Oficial, fechada el miércoles, “se prohíbe la fabricación, almacenamiento, distribución, circulación, comercialización, importación, exportación, uso, consumo, publicidad, promoción y patrocinio” de los cigarrillos electrónicos, indicó el Ministerio en un comunicado.
July 18, 2023 by
Anti-Vape Propaganda Finds a Home in Brazil’s Medical Cannabis Industry
On June 27, Brazil’s Chamber of Deputies rolled out the Portuguese translation of Transform Drug Policy’s How to Regulate Cannabis: A Practical Guide. It covers social equity taxation, in the context of making reparations for communities harmed by Brazil’s punitive cannabis policies. That same day, prominent right-wing magazine Veja claimed that the Brazilian Health Regulatory Agency (ANVISA) was about to restrict importation of cannabis flower—in part by citing misinformation about smoking and vaping medical cannabis products.
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