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Smoking in Latvia

The overall trend for prevalence of current smokers in the general population in Latvia has been downwards since 2006, however this decrease only started from 2012 onwards. 32% of the population in Latvia were current smokers in 2017, down from 36% in 2006. The prevalence was similar between 2006 and 2012 (at 36%), after which it started to reduce. These data come from the Eurobarometer surveys, the most recent of which was carried out in 2017. In the most recent survey a total of 27,901 respondents from different social and demographic groups were interviewed face-to-face at home, in their mother tongue, across all 28 of the EU countries. The sample for each country is representative, however the sample sizes are relatively small (e.g. most countries had just over 1000 participants, but for Italy, Malta and Lithuania the sample was around 500). Nevertheless, the Eurobarometer surveys are useful as they have estimates for smoking prevalence collected over a number of years which can show trends, as described here.

Read articles from Latvia

October 16, 2023 by

Latvia to Raise Liquid Tax by 21 Percent Yearly

Latvia will increase excise taxes on e-liquids by an average of 21 percent annually until 2026. The excise tax rates on heated-tobacco products and combustible cigarettes are set to increase by 5 percent and 5.6 percent every year, respectively. Meanwhile, the tax on other “tobacco substitute” products, including nicotine pouches, will rise by 10 percent. Tobacco harm reduction advocates warned that the measure would negatively impact Latvia’s efforts to curb smoking by making safer alternatives less attractive.

May 22, 2023 by

Latvian residents express great interest for initiative against the ban on e-cigarette flavours

More than 10 000 people have signed the petition called “Free choice for adults! On preservation of e-cigarette aromas” on platform, according to Tobacco-free Products Association.

Because the initiative has received the necessary number of votes, it will be submitted to the Saeima for review. The objective of this initiative is to invite the parliament to not ban various flavours of e-cigarettes and instead adopt solution to battle the illegal market and educate society about healthy choices.

Despite the stereotypes held by residents, the e-cigarettes industry is not interested in youngsters using their products.

March 24, 2023 by

Tobacco and e-cigarettes might be subject to higher age limit in Latvia

On Thursday, March 23, the Saeima approved amendments in the second reading, which plan to prescribe that tobacco products, substitute products, plant smoking products, electronic smoking devices, and fillers will be prohibited to sell to persons under the age of 20.

 79 members voted for the amendments and 6 voted against. 

In order for the ban to come into force, the amendments to the law in parliament still need to be supported in the third – final – reading.

Tobacco and alternative products are currently available to persons aged 18.