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Smoking in Bangladesh

Current smoking prevalence in the general population in Bangladesh has been decreasing, from 30% overall in 2000 to 23% in 2015, with a further decrease to 20% projected by 2025. The smoking prevalence has been decreasing for both sexes, but the biggest decrease has been for men, for whom prevalence dropped from 54% in 2000 to 44% in 2015, with a further projected decrease to 40% in 2025. Women's current smoking prevalence dropped from 5% in 2000 to 1% in 2015, and a further drop to 0.3% by 2025 is projected. The WHO published prevalence trend estimates in tobacco smoking, as shown here, in their 2018 2nd edition report, which show slightly different smoking prevalence to the WHO country profiles. Data for the estimates are not age standardised, and were obtained from WHO databases. The trend lines are projections, not predictions, of future attainment. A projection indicates a likely endpoint if the country maintains its tobacco control efforts at the same level that it has implemented them to date. Therefore the impact of recent interventions could alter the expected endpoint shown in the projection. While the methods of estimation used in the first and second editions of the WHO report are the same, the volume of data available for the second edition is larger i.e. 200 more national surveys. The results presented are therefore more robust.

Read articles from Bangladesh

July 05, 2024 by

Misconceptions about THR abound

Tobacco Harm Reduction (THR) is crucial for aiding smokers in countries with limited cessation resources like Bangladesh. Misconceptions about nicotine and harm reduction hinder progress. Scientific evidence supports THR's effectiveness and lower risk compared to smoking. Harsh regulations, as seen in India, lead to black markets and public health risks. Integrating THR into national strategies involves education, regulatory balance, and prioritizing scientific evidence. Countries like the UK and Sweden show success with THR. Embracing THR can reduce smoking-related harm and assist smokers in quitting, emphasizing the difference between nicotine and combustion-related harms.

November 28, 2023 by

Bangladesh made no progress in countering interference of tobacco industry: Study

The 'Tobacco Industry Interference Index 2023' highlighted Bangladesh's scoring of 72, the poorest among its South Asian counterparts, emphasising the substantial industry influence, notably hindering the amendment process of tobacco control laws in the country. [...] experts expressed concerns over the industry's pervasive influence. They highlighted the paramount issue of the stalled amendment to the Smoking and Tobacco Products Usage (Control) (Amendment) Act 2013, impeding the nation's strides toward tobacco control.

November 21, 2023 by

Thrust on political will to ban e-cigarette, enact tough anti-tobacco law

Speakers on Monday underscored the need for a strong political will to ban the new form of tobacco consumption called e-cigarette. They also urged the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare to speed up the banning of e-cigarette by amending the existing tobacco control law. Adolescents and youths in urban areas were found to be fond of using e-cigarette as a fashion. Hence, there was a risk of a rapid rise in e-cigarette use in the country due to misconceptions and strategic marketing by tobacco companies, they warned. Bangladesh is already among the top ten countries in terms of prevalence of tobacco users. Given this context, the proliferation of new tobacco products such as e-cigarette is a matter of concern.

October 19, 2023 by

Banning electronic cigarette

Electronic cigarettes are new in Bangladesh. But they are making their presence felt in the capital city as well as in the countryside. These battery-powered cigarettes are now very popular with young people as they are marketed as a 'safer' alternative to traditional cigarette smoking. The use of e-cigarettes is now higher among university students than adults. And their use has increased dramatically in the past five years. The e-cigarette market in Bangladesh is also growing every year. According to Statista, an online platform specialised in data gathering and visualisation, the revenue generated from the country's e-cigarette market amounted to $94.8 million so far in 2023.

September 04, 2023 by

Bangladesh Poised to Be the Next Asian Country to Ban Vapes

Bangladesh is close to imposing a total ban on nicotine vapes, which have helped tens of millions of people around the world quit smoking. The planned ban reportedly also includes oral nicotine pouches, another important harm reduction alternative in South Asia. If confirmed, it will be another major blow to harm reduction, when several Asian governments have enacted similar prohibitions. With almost 170 million people, Bangladesh is the eighth most populous country in the world. And it’s a major tobacco consumer. A national smoking rate of over 20 percent—often traditional bidi, as well as cigarettes—contains a large gender split. [...]

August 22, 2023 by

International Harm Reduction Experts Urge Government to Rethink Proposed Vape Ban

A group of international tobacco harm reduction advocates has asked Bangladesh authorities to reconsider its proposed prohibition of electronic nicotine delivery systems (ENDS) and other smokefree nicotine alternatives in a letter addressed to the Ministry of Health.

July 18, 2023 by

Experts for quick ban on e-cigarettes to prevent catastrophes

The Cabinet is likely to approve the Smoking and Using of Tobacco Products (Control) (Amendment) Act, 2013 this month, which proposes a complete ban on the manufacturing, import and sale of e-cigarettes, with a provision of imprisonment of a maximum of six months, a fine or both. Later, it will be placed in Parliament for passage into law. The prime minister has already instructed the Health Ministry to amend the law, to make it more in line with the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control and compatible with the vision of building a tobacco-free country by 2040.

July 03, 2023 by

Bangladesh plans to ban vaping, related products

The government is considering banning vaping, a trendy alternative to cigarette smoking among youngsters, and related products.

According to a draft law, the government is also considering raising the monetary penalty for smoking and using tobacco products in public places more than six times the existing one and banning mobile sales of cigarettes and tobacco products.

To that effect, a cabinet division committee led by an additional secretary recently forwarded a 10-point review to the Health Services Division, reports

March 02, 2023 by

Govt urged to amend tobacco control law, ban e-cigarettes

Local non-governmental organisation the Development Organisation of the Rural Poor on Wednesday urged the government to pass the draft amendment of tobacco control act and ban all types of electronic cigarettes at the earliest to make the country tobacco-free by 2040.

"Tobacco companies are spreading rumours against the amendment of tobacco control act. We request the government to revise the act without any delay," Deputy Executive Director of the organisation Mohammad Zobayer Hasan said at a press conference at the National Press Club in the capital. 

January 05, 2023 by

Tobacco-related aggression kills 0.16 million people each year in Bangladesh

More than 161,000 people in the country die every year due to tobacco use or smoking, increasing the risk of lung cancer by 20 to 30 per cent.

Second-hand smoking increases the risk of heart disease in non-smokers by 25-30 per cent. [...] The minister said that the government is working to build a 'tobacco-free Bangladesh' by 2040.

"Therefore, public places and transport should be made 100 per cent smoke free. Educational institutions should ensure that students do not smoke. Tobacco should be socially boycotted as it is poison," he added.