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Smoking in Malta

Adult tobacco smoking prevalence is at 22% (with 20.6% of women and 25.5% of men).

Read articles from Malta

October 25, 2023 by

First cannabis associations granted operational licence

The first operational licences for cannabis harm reduction associations have been granted to two associations, meaning that they can now cultivate their own cannabis. The associations in question are called KDD Society and Ta' Zelli, and the process for distributing cannabis to members can begin when the associations are in possession of the product. The cannabis is then tested by ARUC before being sold to members. 

July 20, 2023 by

E-vapes should not be going up in smoke

Changes in the tobacco industry require better end-of-life solutions for the products being placed on the market in Malta. The concept is to provide ‘smoke-free products’ such as e-vapes and electronic cigarettes. E-vapour products are hand-held battery-powered devices that heat an e-liquid to produce an aerosol, commonly referred to as vapour. These products do not create smoke as they do not burn tobacco.

December 15, 2021 by

Malta becomes first EU nation to legalise cannabis

Malta has become the first EU country to legalise the cultivation and personal use of cannabis.

Adults will be allowed to carry up to seven grams of cannabis, and grow no more than four plants at home.

But smoking it in public or in front of children will be illegal.

Several other nations have similar plans, such as Germany, Luxembourg and Switzerland. Countries like the Netherlands tolerate cannabis use in certain circumstances.

Malta's parliament voted in favour of the reform on Tuesday afternoon, with the bill winning 36 votes in favour and 27 against.

December 13, 2021 by

Cannabis prohibition has failed. Malta is on the right path – Steve Rolles

Policymakers in the UK, across Europe and around the world are watching Malta’s cannabis reforms unfold with great interest. Malta will soon join a growing number of countries implementing reforms to the evident failures of cannabis prohibition. Canada, Mexico and 18 US states have already made the move and, with rival Democrat and Republican bills being debated in the Senate, federal US legalisation inches closer each day.

You can already travel from the Arctic circle down the West coast of the Americas almost to the equator without leaving a legal cannabis jurisdiction.

December 13, 2021 by

Cannabis prohibition has failed. Malta is on the right path – Steve Rolles

Policymakers in the UK, across Europe and around the world are watching Malta’s cannabis reforms unfold with great interest. Malta will soon join a growing number of countries implementing reforms to the evident failures of cannabis prohibition. Canada, Mexico and 18 US states have already made the move and, with rival Democrat and Republican bills being debated in the Senate, federal US legalisation inches closer each day.

You can already travel from the Arctic circle down the West coast of the Americas almost to the equator without leaving a legal cannabis jurisdiction.

June 13, 2021 by

Stop street litter, and no butts please!

Street litter includes all the waste materials that are thrown away irresponsibly, especially those thrown away in the streets. The smallest things, such as cigarette butts, up to the largest, like bulky waste materials, form part of such litter.

Litter in the streets is continuously increasing due to irresponsible people. This problem is not only found in Malta, but all over the world. In fact, according to the British website Kingdom, 60 per cent of the people in Britain drop litter and only 28 per cent of them admit it.

February 15, 2021 by

40% still experience smoking in playgrounds

The Maltese are more likely to experience outdoor smoking in areas frequented by kids and teens, than other Europeans.

41% of Maltese respondents in a Eurobarometer survey reported the presence of smokers in outdoor places intended for teens or children like parks and playgrounds compared to only 31% of all respondents in the EU and the UK.

Moreover 84% of Maltese have been exposed to smoking in outdoor terraces of eating or drinking establishments compared to 70% of respondents in the EU and the UK.