Read articles from Lithuania
July 24, 2018 by
Vape clouds produced indoors by e-cigarettes break down within SECONDS [...]
A new study has pitted e-cigarettes against their traditional counterparts to gauge how well they perform in indoor spaces – and, it appears vaping really does have less of an impact on the surrounding air.
While particles from conventional cigarette smoke linger in the air for upwards of 45 minutes, researchers found that those stemming from e-vapor products evaporate within seconds, even indoors.
May 04, 2018 by
Andriukaitis: E-cigarettes under thorough scrutiny, and not the way to stop smoking
“E-cigarettes are under thorough scientific scrutiny and we are currently collecting data. At the moment, it’s known that e-cigarettes are less damaging compared to traditional smoking,” said EU Commissioner for Health and Food Safety Vytenis Andriukaitis.
However, the Lithuanian politician pointed out that they are still damaging. “Less [harmful]…but,” he said.