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Smoking in Austria

The overall smoking prevalence in Austria has been decreasing since 2006. 29.1% of the adult population in Austria are current smokers, down from 31% in 2006. This means there are now approximately 2.2 million smokers in the country. 30.4% of men smoke, whilst 27.7% of women are current smokers. The most recent data show there were 10,166 annual deaths from tobacco-smoking related diseases (approximately 3,600 women and 6,600 men). The annual percentage of all deaths attributable to tobacco smoking was 13.73% (women: 8.3%; and men: 16.7%). Nicotine vapes (e-cigarettes) are legal in Austria and there are 283,900 vapers in the country, giving an adult vaping prevalence of 3.67%. There is a requirement to ensure vape packaging contains a health warning, and vapes can only be sold to those 18 and older. Vaping devices can be purchased without a prescription but there are legal restrictions on their use in public places. Heated tobacco products can be marketed but the situation is a more complicated for snus. While it is illegal to import snus for trade or to buy the product online, it is possible to import it for personal use. Nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) products can be marketed and are available to buy in pharmacies without a prescription. The NRT market in Austria is worth €12.5 million. For further information and full references, click through to the detailed datasheets above.

Read articles from Austria

March 22, 2024 by

E-cigarettes, tobacco have similar negative effects on cells: Study

Scientists in Austria found evidence that smoking e-cigarettes and tobacco cigarettes have a similar effect on cells. The University of Innsbruck published the study in the journal, Cancer Research, analyzing the molecular effects of tobacco and e-cigarettes on the epigenome of the information in various cells. They said the epigenome can change during a lifetime due to various genetic and non-genetic factors, such as aging or lifestyle. Scientists looked at more than 5,300 samples from 4,000 people for indications about how smoking cigarettes and e-cigarettes affects different cells. They included blood samples, mouth swabs and samples from the cervical area of women.

December 15, 2022 by

Austria to expand smoking ban and regulate other nicotine devices

The smoking ban in Austrian restaurants, which has been in force since November 1st, 2019, will be extended to "additional outdoor public places" in 2023, according to plans by Health Minister Johannes Rauch (Greens).

A new amendment to the Tobacco and Non-Smoker Protection Act is being worked on, according to the newspaper Der Standard. Among other things, it provides for an Austria-wide extension of the smoking ban to "additional outdoor public places" such as "children's playgrounds and recreational areas for children and young people".

June 06, 2018 by

Prostate cancer survival odds worse for smokers

Prostate cancer patients who smoke are more likely to have tumors return, spread to other parts of the body, and become fatal than nonsmokers, a new study suggests.

Researchers examined data from previous studies with a total of 22,549 men with prostate cancer that hadn’t spread to other parts of the body. The cancers were treated with either surgery or radiation.

Overall, nearly one in five were current smokers. The rest were either former smokers or had never smoked.