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Smoking in Uzbekistan

The prevalence of current tobacco smoking among adults is 10.6% (including 1% of women and 20.4% of men).

Read articles from Uzbekistan

September 09, 2024 by

Better access to vapes could save 880,000 lives in Malaysia and Uzbekistan, new report reveals

A new report suggests that better access to vapes and nicotine alternatives could save around 880,000 lives in Malaysia and Uzbekistan by 2060. Despite heavy regulations, smoking rates are projected to increase in both countries. The World Health Organisation predicts a rise in smoking-related deaths. Implementing tobacco harm reduction strategies, including promoting safer alternatives, could drastically reduce these numbers. Successful examples from countries like Sweden and Japan highlight the effectiveness of such measures. The report urges Malaysian and Uzbek governments to prioritize harm reduction strategies to curb smoking rates and save lives.

August 28, 2024 by

Saving Lives in Malaysia and Uzbekistan: A Report by Global Health Experts

The webinar discusses the topics of the Tobacco Harm Reduction and enhanced treatment that could save nearly 880,000 lives in Malaysia and Uzbekistan by 2060 featuring guest speakers Dr. Derek Yach, Prof. Dr. Sharifa Ezat Wan Puteh, and Dr. Delon Human.

April 12, 2024 by

Uzbekistan plans to ban e-cigarettes, tobacco heating systems

Uzbekistan's Ministry of Health plans to ban electronic nicotine delivery systems, including e-cigarettes, and tobacco heating systems. The draft law aims to prohibit their circulation in the country, with proposed penalties ranging from a $1,000 fine to five years of imprisonment for violations. Despite this, Uzbekistan's tobacco production reached 2.1 billion pieces in the first two months of 2024. Tobacco exports amounted to $7.8 million, with imports totaling $10.5 million during the same period.

January 10, 2024 by

New Tobacco Tax Rates in Uzbekistan

Uzbekistan has indexed excise tax rates for tobacco products for 2024. Local tobacco products were indexed by 12 percent, and imports were reduced by 5 percent. According to UZ Daily, the new excise rates on cigarettes, cigarillos, bidis and kreteks produced in the country are UZS250,700 ($20.31) per 1,000 pieces plus 10 percent.