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Smoking in Cambodia

There are 1.9 million current smokers in Cambodia.

Read articles from Cambodia

November 06, 2024 by

Cambodia announces ban on smoking shisha and e-cigarettes

Cambodia has imposed a ban on e-cigarettes and shisha pipes, citing concerns over their high nicotine content and their influence on youth smoking. The National Authority for Combating Drugs (NACD) has directed authorities to halt the import, sale, and use of these products nationwide. Although e-cigarettes and shisha are not classified as drugs, the NACD stated that their nicotine levels pose a greater health risk than traditional cigarettes.

February 05, 2024 by

Cambodia warns of serious effects from smoking e-cigarettes, shisha, heated tobacco products

Cambodia’s Ministry of Health warned on Sunday that e-cigarettes, shisha and heated tobacco products (HTPs) have caused serious effects on users’ health, urging people, especially youth, not to try these products. “The Ministry of Health is very concerned that most e-cigarettes, shisha and HTPs are beautifully designed, attractive to young people to try,“ the ministry said in a statement. “In fact, e-cigarettes, shisha and HTPs have really caused hazards to health and society,“ it said.

March 26, 2021 by

Cambodia Issues Asia’s Latest Nicotine Prohibition

On March 23, Cambodia issued a ban on heated tobacco products (HTPs). The move [...] was announced by the National Authority of Combating Drugs.

Confusingly, the directive also prohibits electronic nicotine delivery systems like vaping products—while making the unfounded assertions that these device don’t help people to stop smoking and are not safer than conventional cigarettes. This comes despite the fact that consumption and sales of shisha and e-cigarettes have already been prohibited since 2014. Some local reports suggest that vapes remain available and that the ban has so far been widely ignored.

March 22, 2021 by

New tobacco device banned

The National Authority for Combating Drugs (NACD) has instructed all relevant ministries and institutions to take immediate action to stop the use and commercialisation of heated tobacco products (HTPs) [...] and Electronic Delivery of Nicotine Systems (EDNS) [...]

They said their institution had received information that there were many people still using these products and secretly doing business selling them in Cambodia.

According to the directive dated March 18, the NACD has received information that some Cambodians, especially young people, have continued to use EDNS as well as new HTPs.