Read articles from South America

June 03, 2024 by

Dejemos de evadir las soluciones al tabaquismo

El 30 de mayo, Día Mundial del Vapeo, representa una oportunidad crucial para enfrentar el tabaquismo de manera efectiva. En Argentina, sin embargo, las alternativas al cigarrillo que eliminan la combustión y son menos dañinas están prohibidas. Esto priva a los fumadores de opciones válidas que podrían ayudarles a dejar el hábito, a diferencia de otros países donde estas opciones están disponibles. A nivel mundial, hay 1300 millones de fumadores, 7 millones de ellos en Argentina. Desafortunadamente, la mayoría de ellos no dejará de fumar, lo que resulta en 45.000 muertes anuales en Argentina debido a enfermedades relacionadas con el tabaquismo.

May 01, 2024 by

‘Quit Like Sweden’ Launched

International health experts back the global initiative Quit Like Sweden, inspired by Sweden's success in eradicating smoking, to prevent premature deaths worldwide. The initiative promotes adopting safer alternatives like snus and vapes to achieve smoke-free status. Research indicates that replicating Sweden's approach can save millions of lives globally, with Brazil potentially saving 1.4 million lives through similar strategies. The founder, Suely Castro, aims to empower individuals worldwide to take control of their health by embracing harm reduction practices to combat smoking-related diseases.

April 29, 2024 by

BALANCING THE RISKS | Francisco Ordóñez explains Colombia's latest vape restrictions

Colombia has recently introduced new vaping regulations which have effectively equated vapes with tobacco products. In the name of reducing youth access to vapes, have the government sidelined smokers in the process? Joining us to explore this in today's episode is Francisco Ordóñez, founder and president of Asovape Colombia.

April 24, 2024 by

Brazil upholds ban on e-cigarette sales

Brazil's Anvisa board maintained the ban on e-cigarette sales due to concerns about increasing use among youth, lack of long-term health studies, and addictive potential. Anvisa emphasized the need for stricter enforcement and educational campaigns against vaping. The Brazilian Medical Association supported the ban, citing the risks of nicotine and toxic substances in vapes on lung health. Conversely, the tobacco industry criticized the decision, arguing that regulation, not prohibition, is the solution. The debate continues in the Senate on regulating electronic cigarettes in Brazil. Despite pressure from manufacturers, Anvisa stands firm on the vape ban, aligning with WHO recommendations.

February 27, 2024 by

Brazilian E-cigarette Public Consultation: over 13,000 Suggestions Received

Anvisa of Brazil concluded a public consultation on e-cigarettes, receiving over 13,000 suggestions, including 92 from foreign countries like Canada and the United States. The agency is revising regulations, prompted by a bill proposing strict restrictions on e-cigarette products. Data shows 6 million adult smokers in Brazil have tried e-cigarettes, with 2.2 million regular users. Public feedback will heavily influence future e-cigarette policies in the country.

February 09, 2024 by

Why Brazil should drop its vape prohibition proposal

The Brazilian government is proposing a prohibition of vapes and heated tobacco products. This consultation response sets out why this will protect the cigarettes trade, promote smoking, nurture criminal networks and do more harm than good. I just responded to the latest (of many) Brazilian consultations on its plans to prohibit vapes and heated tobacco products, which its regulator wrongly refers to as “Electronic Smoking Devices. ”

January 19, 2024 by

Embracing Harm Reduction – A Classical Liberal Approach to Public Health in Argentina

Javier Milei’s unexpected triumph in Argentina’s presidential run-off marks a paradigm shift in the country’s political landscape. His commitment to classical liberalism, with an emphasis on the fundamental rights of life, liberty, and property, opens up new possibilities for policy reforms that align with individual freedom and economic growth. One area that demands attention is tobacco control, where embracing harm reduction can not only improve public health, and subsequently public finances, but also demonstrate a pragmatic approach consistent with Milei’s vision for a more prosperous Argentina.

January 04, 2024 by


LATAM FIGHT FOR SAFER PRODUCTS | With Ignacio Leiva and Alexandro Lucian

December 14, 2023 by

Argentina Urged to Repeal E-cigarette Ban

The Argentinean vapers’ association, Asovape Argentina, and the World Vapers’ Alliance have sent an open letter Argentina’s recently elected president, Javier Milei, calling for the repeal of the National Administration of Medicines, Food and Medical Technology Provision 3226/2011 banning the commercialization of e-cigarettes. The provision banned the import, distribution, marketing, advertising and promotion of e-cigarettes. It went into effect May 6, 2011.

December 01, 2023 by

PART 2: WHAT NEXT FOR BRAZIL? | Featuring Alexandro Lucian

In part two of our Brazil special, Alexandro Lucian walks us through the mayhem of black market vaping sales in Brazil amidst calls for reform of the blanket vaping ban currently in place.