Nicotine Science & Policy
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Confusing smoke signals from Turkey
Aug. 17, 2016
Strangely two important events have taken place that question the sincerity of this fight against smoking.1. The premier vaping network website in Turkey has been blocked to all Turkish Internet u...
Important consultations on nicotine and e-cigarettes in Australia and New Zealand
Aug. 9, 2016
New ZealandIn New Zealand the sale and supply of nicotine e‑cigarettes is prohibited. Users obtain nicotine e‑cigarettes through importation and illegal local sales. The current regulations were i...
Anti-vaping campaigners are a threat to public health
Aug. 25, 2015
Re-posted from with permission It found that vaping is extremely successful at helping smokers quit cigarettes. And they are used almost exclusively by former smokers – dispelling...
Is New Zealand ready for consumer-driven quit smoking programmes?
July 17, 2015
New Zealand’s once world-leading tobacco control programme has succeeded at bringing adult smoking prevalence down to 18%. Smoking among Māori adults has reduced — but at a slower rate to 39%. But...
NSP Website in 2014 - 12 months in numbers
Dec. 24, 2014
NSP editorial team has been reviewing the internet for news items every working day, and often during the weekends, too. We try to include all kinds of news, to reflect the activity that is taking...
Guide to the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control meeting (Moscow 13-18 October 2014)
Oct. 10, 2014
1 What is this meeting for?179 countries are parties to the Convention, notable exceptions being the United States and Switzerland and several countries where tobacco growing is economically impor...
European vapers speak up against WHO
Aug. 22, 2014
Vaping organisations from 13 countries have written to Dr Margaret Chan, Director-General of WHO, ahead of the Framework Convention on Tobacco Control meeting in October, with a passionate appeal ...
Legal challenge against EU Tobacco Products Directive
Aug. 19, 2014
The grounds for the action are that Article 20 of the Directive – which deals with the regulation of e-cigarettes – breaches EU law. Totally Wicked argues that Article 20 represents a disproportio...
E-cigarette taxation threat in Italy – expected to escalate cost of e-cigarettes
Aug. 18, 2014
The positive aspect of the tax proposals is that non-combusted tobacco and other inhaled nicotine products will be taxed and treated differently to regular cigarettes, due to their potential reduc...
Glantz letter to WHO – the importance of dispassionate presentation and interpretation of evidence
June 29, 2014
As a respected authority, it is important that WHO as an organisation and its individual staff take a dispassionate view of scientific evidence presented from any source.On 26 June, the authors of...
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