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Smoking in Oman

The data from 2022 indicates that tobacco smoking in Oman continues to pose a significant public health concern. 400,337 individuals aged 15 years and older were reported to be smokers in the country. The overall prevalence of adult tobacco smoking in the country in the same year was recorded at 9.9%, with a notable gender disparity: 15.7% prevalence among males compared to only 0.3% among females. This gender difference has been consistent over recent years. In terms of mortality, tobacco smoking accounted for 756 deaths in 2021, representing 4.45% of all-cause mortality in the country. Male smoking-related deaths were significantly higher, with 645 cases, compared to 111 cases among females. The percentage of all deaths attributable to tobacco smoking was 5.53% for males and 2.08% for females in the same year. The adult daily tobacco smoking prevalence in 2017 was 6.5% with 12.3% among males and 0.3% among females. These statistics show the ongoing challenges faced by Oman in reducing tobacco smoking rate and its associated health impacts.

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January 18, 2024 by

Illegal e-cigarette sales: Oman announces new fines

Selling electronic cigarettes, shisha or any associated accessories will incur fines of up to OMR2,000 ($5,208) in Oman, according to a new circular. The sale and marketing of e-cigarettes have been banned in Oman since 2015 by the country’s Consumer Protection Authority. However, the use and possession of e-cigarettes in Oman are legal, according to the Global State of Tobacco Harm Reduction.