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Smoking in Iran

There has been a downwards trend in current smoking prevalence in the general population in Iran. Smoking prevalence was 15% in 2000 and declined to 11% in 2015, with a further drop to 9.5% projected by 2025. For men the prevalence decreased from 26.5% in 2000 to 21% in 2015, with a further decrease to 19% projected by 2025. For women a prevalence of 4% in 2000 dropped to less than 1% in 2015, and is projected to decrease further to around 0.3% by 2025. The WHO published prevalence trend estimates in tobacco smoking, as shown here, in their 2018 2nd edition report, which show slightly different smoking prevalence to the WHO country profiles. Data for the estimates are not age standardised, and were obtained from WHO databases. The trend lines are projections, not predictions, of future attainment. A projection indicates a likely endpoint if the country maintains its tobacco control efforts at the same level that it has implemented them to date. Therefore the impact of recent interventions could alter the expected endpoint shown in the projection. While the methods of estimation used in the first and second editions of the WHO report are the same, the volume of data available for the second edition is larger i.e. 200 more national surveys. The results presented are therefore more robust.

Read articles from Iran

September 21, 2020 by

Iran starts five-year tobacco-free national plan

A national plan aiming to protect people from secondhand smoke in 63 cities and 63 villages over the course of five years has just piloted in the central city of Qom.

Following Article 8 of the Convention on Tobacco Control of the World Health Organization to protect people from tobacco use and reduce its side effects, Iran declared Qom city as the country's first “tobacco-free city”.

This five-year program will eventually launch in 63 cities and 63 selected villages of the country, however, it is probably can cover the whole cities, Behzad Valizadeh, head of the National Secretariat of Tobacco Control said.