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Smoking in France

The overall smoking prevalence in France has gone up since 2006. 34.6% of the adult population in France are current smokers, up from 33% in 2006. This means there are now approximately 18.4 million smokers in the country. 36% of men smoke, whilst for women this figure is 33.2%. The most recent data show there were 73,545 annual deaths attributable to tobacco smoking (approximately 18,800 women and 54,700 men). The annual percentage of all deaths attributable to tobacco smoking was 15.4% (women: 6.4%; and men: 18.5%). Nicotine vapes (e-cigarettes) are legal in France and there are 3 million vapers in the country, giving an adult vaping prevalence of 5.59%. There is a requirement to ensure vape packaging contains a health warning, and vapes can only be sold to those aged 18 and older. Vaping devices can be purchased without a prescription but there are legal restrictions on their use in public places. Heated tobacco products are legal and can be marketed, but the situation is a bit more complicated for snus. While it is illegal to import snus for trade or buy the product online, it is possible to import it for personal use. Nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) products can be marketed and are available to buy in pharmacies. The NRT market in France is worth €125 million. For further information and full references, click through to the detailed datasheets above.

Read articles from France

June 20, 2024 by

EXCLUSIVE: French and German governments sign onto EU wide flavour ban

A new document supported by France, Germany, and other EU countries calls for a ban on flavors in nicotine products. To protect children, the paper asks for stricter regulations on marketing tobacco and nicotine on digital platforms. It will be discussed at an upcoming EU health ministers' meeting. The document urges the European Commission to propose measures to safeguard youth from the risks of tobacco and nicotine. It also suggests social media platforms take more responsibility for marketing these products. The paper contrasts with the European Parliament's support for vaping as a smoking cessation aid. This move has raised concerns, especially with France's involvement potentially impacting domestic politics.

April 04, 2024 by

France Takes Another Step Toward Banning E-Cigarettes

French lawmakers have agreed on a bill to ban disposable e-cigarettes like Puff and Vaze by 2024 due to their popularity among young people and concerns about nicotine content and environmental impact. Despite restrictions on sales to minors, a survey shows easy access to these devices. The ban aims to prevent teen smoking initiation and address environmental pollution caused by e-cigarette components. The bill, supported by various political parties, awaits European Commission approval. Health Minister Vautrin hopes for a ban by the end of 2024, following similar actions in Belgium.

March 25, 2024 by

After Belgium, France seeks Commission’s green light to ban disposable e-cigarettes

The French, parliament reached an agreement on Thursday (21 March) to ban so-called ‘puffs’, single-use electronic cigarettes. The prohibition will be expected to come into force, at the end of September, according to Green MP Francesca Pasquini, who initiated the law. The text was widely adopted by the National Assembly in December and then ratified by the French Senate in February. The final stage was to convene a joint committee, bringing together members of parliament from both chambers. The committee reached a joint text without difficulty.

December 11, 2023 by

France's parliament considers a ban on single-use e-cigarettes

The French parliament is considering a ban on single-use, disposable electronic cigarettes that are popular with teenagers for their sweet flavors and are under scrutiny as a new source of trash.

December 11, 2023 by

E-cigarettes: France backs bill to ban disposable vapes

The French parliament has voted unanimously to ban single-use e-cigarettes, known locally as "puffs", amid health and environmental concerns. It still needs backing from France's Senate and clearance from the EU Commission before it becomes law. If both approve the bill, the government said it hopes the ban will be effective by September 2024. Several other countries in Europe, including the UK, Ireland, and Germany are considering similar measures.

December 11, 2023 by

France to ban vaping from September 2024

Just days after France’s Health and Prevention Minister Aurélien Rousseau announced a ban on smoking on all beaches, public parks, forests and areas surrounding schools, the French parliament has backed a proposal to ban single-use electronic cigarettes. The ‘puffs’, as they are called locally, are said to encourage smoking amongst teenagers and to present a threat to the environment. The parliament hopes the law will come into effect by September 2024, even though there are still a few steps to be taken in order for the law to be accepted.

December 08, 2023 by

French Parliament Unanimously Backs Disposable Vapes Ban

On December 4, the French National Assembly voted in favor of banning single-use vapes, known in France as “puffs.” The motion was backed by 104 members of the country’s lower house—with none voting against. In September, Prime Minister Élisabeth Borne described the proposed ban as part of a wider anti-smoking plan. The government would “fight against smoking with, in particular, the prohibition of disposable electronic cigarettes,” she said, “the famous ‘puffs’ which give bad habits to young people.”

December 05, 2023 by

French lawmakers approve bill to ban disposable e-cigarettes to protect youth drawn to their flavors

France's National Assembly unanimously approved a bill to ban single-use, disposable electronic cigarettes, in an attempt to protect young people drawn to their flavors and mitigate the environmental impacts of the disposable products known as “puffs.” Lawmakers adopted the bill in a late-night vote on Monday by 104 in favor, zero against. The bill, supported by the government, will then move to the Senate where it is expected to be adopted as well. It could go into effect by September 2024.

November 30, 2023 by

France unveils cigarette price hike and public spaces ban under new restrictions to tackle smoking

France's health ministry unveiled a new plan on Tuesday to tackle cigarette smoking in the country, including bans on smoking in parks and on beaches. From hiking the price of a pack of cigarettes to banning smoking in parks, France has announced a raft of new measures to reduce the number of smokers. As part of a new plan, the government will increase prices to €13 a pack in 2027, ban disposable e-cigarettes, and ban smoking in public spaces such as parks, beaches, forests and other public areas. Their aim is to create a generation "free of tobacco" by 2032.

November 29, 2023 by

France to ban smoking on all beaches in effort to create ‘tobacco-free generation’

France is to ban smoking on all beaches, as well as in public parks, forests and near schools, after Emmanuel Macron promised to create “the first tobacco-free generation” by 2032. “From now on, no-smoking areas will be the norm,” said the health minister, Aurélien Rousseau. There are already 7,200 tobacco-free areas in France – including in Nice, on the French Riviera, which was the first to establish a cigarette-free beach in 2012 with the approval of France’s League Against Cancer.