Smoking in Yemen
Current smoking trends for the overall adult population in the Yemen show a decrease from 2000 (22%) to 2015 (17.5%), with a projection to decrease further to around 16% by 2025. This downwards trend has been driven largely by women's smoking prevalence. For women, smoking prevalence has been declining gradually year by year, from 14% in 2000 to 7% in 2015, and is projected to be around 5% by 2025. For men, the trend is very slightly downwards, with 30% being current smokers in 2000, 28% in 2015, and a projection of a tiny further decrease to 27.5% by 2025. The WHO published prevalence trend estimates in tobacco smoking, as shown here, in their 2018 2nd edition report, which show slightly different smoking prevalence to the WHO country profiles. Data for the estimates were obtained from WHO databases. The trend lines are projections, not predictions, of future attainment. A projection indicates a likely endpoint if the country maintains its tobacco control efforts at the same level that it has implemented them to date. Therefore the impact of recent interventions could alter the expected endpoint shown in the projection. While the methods of estimation used in the first and second editions of the WHO report are the same, the volume of data available for the second edition is larger i.e. 200 more national surveys. The results presented are therefore more robust.
Read articles from Yemen
August 03, 2018 by
VAPE TAX 'ILLOGICAL' Taxing e-cigarettes makes ‘no sense’ as they help people quit smoking, experts warn
Whitehall sources are looking at so called “sin taxes” to raise cash for the health service’s spending bonanza. And e-cigarettes are not currently taxed – because of their benefits in helping people quit fags.
But Chris Snowdon of the Institute of Economic Affairs think tanks compared it to “taxing bicycles to pay for the costs of obesity”.
Users typically go through one 10ml bottle a week costing around £5 which amounts to an annual bill of £275.
July 24, 2018 by
More Action on e-Cigarettes Needed, AACR Tells Lawmakers
Federal regulatory and public health authorities need to gather more information on the potential for short- and long-term harm from e-cigarettes and should take stronger steps to restrict youths from accessing the tobacco products, panelists said at a Washington briefing aimed at congressional staff. The briefing was convened by the American Association for Cancer Research (AACR), which is pushing for faster and stronger action on e-cigarettes. [...]