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Smoking in Jordan

Current adult tobacco smoking prevalence is 35.2%. (with 12.7% of women and 57.4% of men). Daily tobacco smoking prevalence is at 37.3%. In Jordan, 3174 people die each year due to tobacco smoking. The mortality rate associated with tobacco smoking is 14.13%.

Read articles from Jordan

December 11, 2020 by

Middle East: Smoking Rates Remain High Where Vaping is Shunned

Figures recently released by the Jordanian government in collaboration with the World Health Organization (WHO) have indicated that the Middle Eastern kingdom of Jordan, has the world’s highest smoking rates. Sadly, other Middle Eastern countries seem to have similar rates.

[...] “We believe a few factors explain why less than two per cent of smokers may have switched to less harmful tobacco products in the region,” said David Janazzo, chief financial officer at the Foundation for a Smoke-Free World.


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