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Smoking in Australia

In 2017-18, just under one in seven (13.8%) or 2.6 million adults were daily smokers, whilst a further 1.4% of people also reported smoking on a less than daily basis. Since 1995, the proportion of adults who are daily smokers has decreased from 23.8% to 13.8% in 2017-18. Over recent years however, the daily smoking rate has remained fairly constant (14.5% in 2014-15). Despite this, the proportion of adults who have never smoked has increased from 49.4% in 2007-08 to 52.6% in 2014-15 and 55.7% in 2017-18. In 2017-18, young adults aged 18-24 years were more likely to have never smoked than any other age group, with 69.6% of men and 81.5% of women in this age group reporting that they had never smoked. These proportions have increased from 64.0% and 64.9% respectively since 2007-08. The national Health Survey was conducted in all states and territories and across urban, rural and remote areas of Australia in 2017/18. The survey included around 21,000 people in over 16,000 private dwellings. Previous surveys have been conducted since 1989/90.

Read articles from Australia

July 01, 2024 by


TGA urged to review vapes and produce guidelines to allay pharmacists’ concerns about stocking products  The Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) needs to review the safety, efficacy and performance of vaping products before pharmacists will feel comfortable stocking them, an NSW-based pharmacist says.  Speaking with ABC Illawarra about new vaping legislation, which came into effect today

July 01, 2024 by

Pregnant women might not be receiving nicotine replacement therapy long enough to quit smoking

A study led by UNSW Sydney revealed low usage of prescription quit smoking medicines like NRT among pregnant women, highlighting the need for more support to help them quit successfully. While counseling is recommended first, medicines like NRT are considered effective for quitting in the general population. Varenicline and bupropion are not recommended during pregnancy due to limited safety evidence. The study stresses the importance of better information for pregnant women and clinicians to make informed decisions about smoking cessation. More research is necessary to evaluate the safety of varenicline and bupropion for pregnant women.

July 01, 2024 by

Australia restricts vape sales to pharmacies as new laws take effect

New vaping regulations in Australia came into force on Monday, moving e-cigarettes behind pharmacy counters in a bid to curb youth vaping although opponents forced the government to walk back a stricter prohibition. The laws, passed last week, will restrict vape sales to pharmacies and require customers to speak with the pharmacist before buying a vape. Those under 18 will need a prescription. The ruling Labor party was forced to water down a broader plan that would have limited sales to those with a medical prescription after opposition from Greens senators concerned it would restrict access for those looking to quit smoking and strain the health system.

July 01, 2024 by

Australia restricts vape sales to pharmacies in ‘world-leading’ move to cut nicotine use

Australia introduced strict anti-vaping laws, requiring a prescription to buy nicotine vapes at pharmacies. The laws limit flavors to mint, menthol, and tobacco. While Australia aims to protect minors, some fear a black market may emerge. The Greens Party advocates for adult access without a prescription to avoid criminalization. Concerns about youth turning to cigarettes due to limited vape access arise. The cost of vaping may still be lower than smoking, despite rising tobacco prices. Other countries, like the US, are also addressing vaping issues but face criticism for allowing non-tobacco-flavored e-cigarettes.

June 28, 2024 by

Australians will soon only be able to buy vapes from pharmacies. Should New Zealand follow suit?

Australia will restrict vape sales to pharmacies, diverging from New Zealand's approach. This move prioritizes public health, utilizing pharmacists' expertise to support smokers transitioning to vaping. Despite concerns about stricter regulation compared to tobacco, limiting young people's access to vaping is essential. New Zealand faces rising youth vaping rates, necessitating comprehensive and proportional policies. Recent regulations struggled to curb vaping trends, highlighting the need for stricter measures like removing displays in retail outlets and restricting proximity to schools. Advocates urge reintroducing evidence-based regulations and aligning vaping policies with tobacco controls to safeguard youth from nicotine addiction.

June 27, 2024 by

Parliament passes vaping reforms following extensive AMA advocacy

The Parliament passed vaping reforms to protect Australians from e-cigarette harms, banning their domestic manufacture, supply, and advertisement. Vapes can now be sold as schedule 3 medicine with stricter controls. The AMA played a key role in advocating for these reforms, successfully influencing the passing of the legislation. The AMA criticized the National Party's proposal to impose an excise on vapes and actively engaged with MPs, Senators, and media to support the reforms. The Therapeutic Goods Administration provides updates on vaping reforms on its Vaping Hub.

June 27, 2024 by

Australia waters down world-first vape laws

Australia has softened its ban on vapes, allowing adults to buy them in pharmacies without a prescription. The government made changes to the law to secure Green party support in the Senate, despite concerns about fueling a black market. Vapes will still have plain packaging and limited flavors. The new rules aim to prevent youth access while supporting adult smokers. The government emphasized the therapeutic purpose of vapes for quitting smoking. The laws will be reviewed in three years.

June 25, 2024 by

New vaping reforms to end vape sales from general retailers: experts explain

The Australian Senate will ban all vape sales from general retailers starting July 1, including non-nicotine vapes. Sales will only be allowed in pharmacies, behind the counter. This legislation tightens vape access and follows import restrictions that prohibited single-use disposable vapes. Experts from the University of Sydney's Faculty of Medicine and Health discuss the new law's implications.

June 25, 2024 by

Australia and New Zealand: A Natural Experiment in Vaping Policy

Australia and New Zealand present differing approaches to vaping regulation. While Australia heavily restricts vaping, New Zealand has adopted a consumer-friendly model. New Zealand's approach has led to a significant drop in smoking rates and a rise in vaping among adults, contributing to public health improvements. In contrast, Australia's tough regulations have fueled a thriving illicit vaping market, causing violence and undermining public health efforts. New Zealand's harm reduction strategy shows promise in achieving smoke-free goals, while Australia struggles to curb smoking rates. The comparison underscores the benefits of New Zealand's approach over Australia's restrictive policies.

June 24, 2024 by

Vapes to be sold behind the counter under watered-down ban

The Albanese government in Australia will allow the purchase of plain-packaged nicotine vapes without a prescription starting October. Health Minister Mark Butler compromised with the Greens to pass legislation penalizing unlicensed shops selling illegal vapes, stepping back from the original plan requiring a doctor's prescription. Butler's move follows concerns of vapes aiding Big Tobacco in addicting youths to nicotine. The Coalition criticized the amendments as a backtrack on the hardline prescription-only approach.


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12 April 2024

AUSTRALIA'S POUCH CONUNDRUM | Colin Mendelsohn unpacks the use of nicotine pouches in Australia

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29 June 2017

Nicotine, the TGA and a missed opportunity in Australia - Colin Mendelsohn

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07 March 2024

#GFN is like coming home!

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06 September 2019

The switch2vaping campaign to raise awareness of vaping in Australia

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29 June 2018

The Australian Tobacco Harm Reduction Association

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16 August 2023

[EN] #GFN23 | Regulation case study - Australia

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12 June 2020

6. Fiona Patten | Australia | - What or who should guide the political agenda?

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31 May 2024

COMPLETE DISASTER | Australia Abandons Tobacco Harm Reduction