Vaping's dangerous myth
September 17, 2024 by
Vaping's dangerous myth
Vaping is marketed as a safer alternative to smoking, but studies show it can lead to cigarette use, especially in youth. While some use vaping to quit smoking, evidence on its long-term effectiveness is weak. Nicotine replacement therapies and behavioral support remain more reliable quitting tools. Restricting vape access aims to prevent addiction and protect public health, despite claims of limiting personal freedom. Tasmania's reforms aim to supervise vape use for cessation under doctors' care, combatting potential health risks and illicit markets. These actions prioritize public health over personal choice, recognizing the dangers of unregulated vaping, unlike established tobacco products.
12.50% of the adult population are current smokers. There are approximately 2.6 million current smokers in Australia 14.80% of men are current smokers but only 10.30% of women.