EVIDENCE REVIEW OF NICOTINE VAPING | Colin Mendelsohn highlights his recent paper

November 03, 2023 by gfn.tv

EVIDENCE REVIEW OF NICOTINE VAPING | Colin Mendelsohn highlights his recent paper

The evidence is clear: vaping is far safer than smoking, and vaping is a much more effective quitting aid than traditional nicotine replacement therapies. But many regulators and key stakeholders remain unconvinced. In this episode, Colin Mendelsohn discusses his recent review exploring the evidence behind vaping and the way forward for nicotine in Australia.

12.50% of the adult population are current smokers. There are approximately 2.6 million current smokers in Australia 14.80% of men are current smokers but only 10.30% of women.



July 18, 2023, 11:26 a.m. by colinmendelsohn.com.au

Leading health experts urge lawmakers to reform vaping laws

Regions: Australia New Zealand Oceania

July 24, 2023, 8:35 a.m. by vnexpress.net

Cigarettes in Vietnam are too cheap

Regions: Australia Vietnam Asia Oceania

July 25, 2023, 9:51 a.m. by colinmendelsohn.com.au

Vaping Nicotine Is Beneficial to Young People at A Population Level

Regions: Australia

July 31, 2023, 10:31 p.m. by mja.com.au

Australia leads world with vaping crackdown

Regions: Australia Oceania

Sept. 4, 2023, 11:05 p.m. by colinmendelsohn.com.au

FACT CHECK. Is vaping creating a “whole new generation of nicotine dependency”?

Regions: Australia Oceania