Stigma and Misinformation Maintain the Devastating Toll of Lung Cancer

July 31, 2023 by

Stigma and Misinformation Maintain the Devastating Toll of Lung Cancer

August 1 is World Lung Cancer Day. Although this is the 12th iteration of an annual bid to spread awareness, lung cancer remains not only rampant, but plagued by stigma and misinformation. When one out of every 16 Americans will receive a lung cancer diagnosis in their lifetime, the data show a staggering number of deaths that could have been prevented. Every day, approximately 382 people in the United States die from lung cancer—about the number that would fill a Boeing 777.

19.30% of the adult population are current smokers. There are approximately 52.1 million current smokers in United States 22.90% of men are current smokers but only 15.80% of women.


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