New Brunswick moves to pressure vape stores to follow rules

September 18, 2024 by

New Brunswick moves to pressure vape stores to follow rules

A New Brunswick vape store mistakenly warned of a flavor ban effective on Sept. 1, which was not true. Amendments to the province's regulations include new licensing requirements and penalties for non-compliance. The changes aim to tackle youth vaping, with 24% of students having tried it. The Canadian Cancer Society supports the amendments to reduce youth vaping. Further efforts include raising the minimum age for purchasing vaping products to 21. Federal regulations are being urged to restrict vape flavors nationwide. Despite legal challenges, measures are being taken to combat illegal sales and reduce nicotine addiction among youth.

11.40% of the adult population are current smokers. There are approximately 3.6 million current smokers in Canada 13.70% of men are current smokers but only 9.20% of women.



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