Korea Wants to Regulate Synthetic Nicotine as Tobacco
May 17, 2024 by tobaccoreporter.com
Korea Wants to Regulate Synthetic Nicotine as Tobacco
South Korea plans to regulate synthetic nicotine as tobacco by amending the Tobacco Business Act. Currently, the Act does not cover e-cigarette liquids made from synthetic nicotine, leading to a lack of product regulations including health warnings and taxes. The Ministry of Health and Welfare and the Ministry of Economy and Finance will work together on the revisions. The move comes after an announcement by BAT regarding a potential synthetic nicotine product release in South Korea. The growing popularity of e-cigarettes in the country has prompted the need for updated legislation to address this trend.
17.70% of the adult population are current smokers. There are approximately 7.9 million current smokers in South Korea 30.00% of men are current smokers but only 5.00% of women.