Japan’s Leading Position in the Tobacco Harm Reduction World
May 29, 2024 by filtermag.org
Japan’s Leading Position in the Tobacco Harm Reduction World
Japan has achieved a 52% decrease in cigarette sales, largely due to the popularity of heated tobacco products (HTP). The success story is outlined in a Global State of Tobacco Harm Reduction (GSTHR) briefing. Factors contributing to this decline, including regulatory measures and health concerns, are discussed. Despite initial dual use, many are transitioning to HTP for reduced harm. The unique Japanese trend emphasizes switching from cigarettes to safer alternatives. Notable growth in HTP sales has outpaced cigarettes, supported by a welcoming retail environment and minimal government intervention. Japan's success highlights consumer-driven public health improvements and the cultural acceptance of harm reduction methods.
19.40% of the adult population are current smokers. There are approximately 21.2 million current smokers in Japan 28.70% of men are current smokers but only 10.50% of women.