If Biden bans menthol cigarettes, it might be very good for Trump.

April 09, 2024 by slate.com

If Biden bans menthol cigarettes, it might be very good for Trump.

Antismoking advocates are urging Joe Biden to ban menthol cigarettes, which could improve public health by discouraging smoking. However, concerns exist regarding the impact on smokers who may turn to illicit markets or stick with conventional cigarettes. Political implications also play a role, with worries about alienating voters and potential legal challenges. Implementing the ban effectively is questioned due to limitations on flavored e-cigarettes and potential legal obstacles. Advocates push for action before the 2024 election, balancing the need for public health benefits with political risks and challenges in enforcement. The Biden administration faces complex trade-offs in addressing the issue.

18.30% of the adult population are current smokers. There are approximately 48.7 million current smokers in United States 21.60% of men are current smokers but only 15.20% of women.


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