How short-sighted nicotine alternative legislation boosts the black market
September 04, 2023 by
How short-sighted nicotine alternative legislation boosts the black market
In July this year, the Swedish daily newspaper Aftonbladet posted an excellent article about the illicit trade of Snus in Finland. The piece tells the story of Mikko, a 25-year-old resident of a university town called Vaasa who helps supply Finish snussers with the prohibited harm reduction product via a bustling WhatsApp group. What I found remarkable about the story is how citizens like Mikko are forced into illegal actions because of EU legislation they have no control over. [...] Snus, like all oral tobacco, is banned across the EU. As Finland is a member state, the smoking alternative product cannot be sold legally. [...]
15.00% of the adult population are current smokers. There are approximately 697,594 current smokers in Finland.