Health ministers buck Parliament to green-light stronger tobacco restrictions
December 03, 2024 by
Health ministers buck Parliament to green-light stronger tobacco restrictions
EU health ministers have endorsed new recommendations from the European Commission to tighten restrictions on tobacco and aerosol products, despite the European Parliament rejecting the same proposal last week. The initiative seeks to address health risks by extending existing smoking bans to outdoor areas and covering novel products like nicotine-free vapes. Health Commissioner Olivér Várhelyi, speaking at his first Council meeting, highlighted that tobacco consumption causes 700,000 preventable deaths annually in the EU. He emphasized that no level of second-hand smoke exposure is safe, referencing the World Health Organization.
December 03, 2024 by
EU health ministers recommend increased protection against second-hand smoke and aerosols
European Union health ministers adopted a recommendation on December 3 to reduce second-hand smoke …