FDA could thwart its own smoking-cessation push

July 18, 2023 by politico.com

FDA could thwart its own smoking-cessation push

The FDA is poised to finalize a rule banning menthol cigarettes — which make up nearly 40 percent of the market — in an effort to encourage smokers to quit. But it hasn’t approved a new smoking-cessation aid in nearly 20 years and has such high standards for authorizing less-harmful menthol e-cigarettes, some public health experts fear the ban may fall short of its desired effect. Not all menthol smokers will just quit, said David Méndez, associate professor of health management and policy at the University of Michigan.

19.30% of the adult population are current smokers. There are approximately 52.1 million current smokers in United States 22.90% of men are current smokers but only 15.80% of women.


July 18, 2023, 10:02 p.m. by politico.com

FDA could thwart its own smoking-cessation push

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