E-Cigarette Opponents Are Science Deniers

July 18, 2023 by realclearscience.com

E-Cigarette Opponents Are Science Deniers

Like millions of other Americans, I was hooked. I knew I needed to quit smoking, but I just couldn’t give up cigarettes. I tried everything: nicotine gum, patches, medication, even cold turkey. None of it worked, and I feared I was destined to keep smoking until it killed me. But my smoking-cessation failures came to an unexpected end when I discovered e-cigarettes, more commonly called “vapes” today. And after years as a pack-a-day-smoker, I was done with cigarettes forever. I’m certain that vaping saved my life. And since saving lives is what America’s public-health establishment exists to do, I was sure that they would avidly endorse the technology. Sadly, and inexplicably, I was wrong.

18.30% of the adult population are current smokers. There are approximately 48.7 million current smokers in United States 21.60% of men are current smokers but only 15.20% of women.


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End the War on Vaping

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