E-cigarette liquid maker urges 8th Circuit to revive rejected application

February 15, 2024 by reuters.com

E-cigarette liquid maker urges 8th Circuit to revive rejected application

A Missouri-based maker of menthol-flavored e-cigarette liquids on Wednesday urged a federal appeals court to revive its application with the U.S. Food and Drug Administration to continue selling its products, saying the agency had not given it fair notice of what approval would require. The appeal by SWT Global Supply Inc is one of a slew of similar cases by e-cigarette companies in the wake of the FDA's rule deeming e-cigarette products to be subject to the same law as cigarettes, and the agency's subsequent denial of millions of applications by manufacturers to sell their products.

18.30% of the adult population are current smokers. There are approximately 48.7 million current smokers in United States 21.60% of men are current smokers but only 15.20% of women.


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