E-Cigarette Effects on Oral Health: A Molecular Perspective
January 03, 2025 by sciencedirect.com
E-Cigarette Effects on Oral Health: A Molecular Perspective
E-cigarettes, promoted as alternatives to traditional smoking, have seen increased use, particularly among young non-tobacco users, raising health concerns due to unknown long-term effects. The oral cavity is a primary site for e-cigarette aerosol deposition, which contains harmful substances like nicotine, flavors, volatile organic compounds, heavy metals, and carcinogens. These aerosols disrupt host-microbial interactions, leading to gingivitis, periodontitis, and systemic diseases. Proinflammatory cytokines, oxidative stress, DNA damage, and impaired repair processes contribute to oral inflammation and pre-malignant lesions. This review examines the toxicological effects of e-cigarette aerosols on oral health, highlighting the need for further research to guide informed regulatory decisions.