Direct Attack | Anti-Vape Bills Inundate State Legislatures | RegWatch (Live)
March 11, 2024 by
Direct Attack | Anti-Vape Bills Inundate State Legislatures | RegWatch (Live)
Known as PMTA registry or directory bills, its new legislation or amendments to existing state law that require manufacturers, distributors, or sellers of nicotine vaping products to attest under penalty of perjury that the products are either authorized for sale by the FDA or are still undergoing the agency’s arduous pre-market tobacco application process. The problem is that the FDA has approved only 23 products out of the 5 million submitted for approval. And all of these products are owned by big tobacco and are only available in tobacco flavors. Joining us today to discuss the impact of these efforts to take out vaping are vape shop owners Danny Gillis and Chris Lautz, [...]
19.30% of the adult population are current smokers. There are approximately 52.1 million current smokers in United States 22.90% of men are current smokers but only 15.80% of women.