Cuba grapples with the uncertain future of a national symbol, the cigar
February 07, 2024 by
Cuba grapples with the uncertain future of a national symbol, the cigar
It's estimated that from seed to box, more than 200 pairs of hands touch each cigar that is made in Cuba. A valuable export, and a draw for many visitors to the island nation, the artisanal tobacco product is both a historic national industry, and a point of national pride."It is in my blood to grow tobacco," said Hector Luis Preto, who has a farm in the Pinar del Rio village of San Juan y Martinez. "Tobacco is part of my family, it is part of myself," Preto told Mendes, standing in a freshly tilled field ready for shade grown tobacco, the delicate leaf used to wrap the outside of a cigar.
19.30% of the adult population are current smokers. There are approximately 1.8 million current smokers in Cuba 27.50% of men are current smokers but only 11.40% of women.