Anti-Vape Propaganda Finds a Home in Brazil’s Medical Cannabis Industry
July 18, 2023 by
Anti-Vape Propaganda Finds a Home in Brazil’s Medical Cannabis Industry
On June 27, Brazil’s Chamber of Deputies rolled out the Portuguese translation of Transform Drug Policy’s How to Regulate Cannabis: A Practical Guide. It covers social equity taxation, in the context of making reparations for communities harmed by Brazil’s punitive cannabis policies. That same day, prominent right-wing magazine Veja claimed that the Brazilian Health Regulatory Agency (ANVISA) was about to restrict importation of cannabis flower—in part by citing misinformation about smoking and vaping medical cannabis products.
12.30% of the adult population are current smokers. There are approximately 20.8 million current smokers in Brazil 15.70% of men are current smokers but only 9.10% of women.