9 facts about Americans and marijuana

April 11, 2024 by pewresearch.org

9 facts about Americans and marijuana

Marijuana legalization is gaining support in the U.S., with around 90% favoring legalization for medical or recreational use. Views vary by age, political party, and race. Support for legalization has increased over the years, with economic and criminal justice benefits being considered. Most Americans also support easing penalties for marijuana-related offenses. Currently, 24 states and D.C. allow recreational and medical use, while another 14 permit medical use only. About 54% of Americans live where recreational and/or medical marijuana is legal. In total, there are almost 15,000 marijuana dispensaries nationwide, with states like California and Colorado having the largest number.

19.30% of the adult population are current smokers. There are approximately 52.1 million current smokers in United States 22.90% of men are current smokers but only 15.80% of women.


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