1.4 million illegal e-cigarettes seized as US government bears down on unauthorized sales
December 15, 2023 by cnn.com
1.4 million illegal e-cigarettes seized as US government bears down on unauthorized sales
The US Food and Drug Administration announced Thursday the seizure of about 1.4 million units of unauthorized e-cigarette products, including commonly used brands such as Elf Bar and Funky Republic, which has received warnings from the agency over the sale and distribution of unauthorized products that appeal to minors. “Unscrupulous companies try everything they can to bring unauthorized, youth-appealing tobacco products into the country,” FDA Commissioner Dr. Robert Califf said in a statement. “The FDA will remain vigilant, and together with our federal partners, stop these imports before they make it into the hands of our nation’s youth.”
19.30% of the adult population are current smokers. There are approximately 52.1 million current smokers in United States 22.90% of men are current smokers but only 15.80% of women.