Clive Bates

Red Tape Challenge for disruptive businesses – time to challenge e-cigarette regulation

Aug. 5, 2013

I think that regulation of e-cigarettes as medicines fits this definition very well. If you are in the e-cigarette business as a manufacturer, importer or wholesaler and you are baffled or trouble...

Health campaigners want to ban e-cigarettes internationally – unethical and unscientific

Aug. 1, 2013

Fortunately, the Malaysian Health Minister Datuk Seri Dr S. Subramaniam has had the good sense not to listen to deranged health campaigners and is taking expert advice from a technical committee...

Because you’re worth it – are there ideas from cosmetics regulation useful for e-cigarettes?

July 28, 2013

  Can any more be done…? Well perhaps we can learn from the approach taken to regulating cosmetics in the European Union. Why look at cosmetics regulation? Similarities between cosmetics and e-cig...

Interview with Linda McAvan MEP – why doctor doesn’t always know best

July 26, 2013

 {videobox}fbttYIgAuTE{/videobox} I’ve already given a view on what an incoherent piece of regulation is emerging from the European institutions - a gargantuan dog’s breakfast, and McAvan bears s...

Reasonable people saying sensible things about low-risk alternatives to smoking

July 25, 2013

  Professor Michael Russell anticipated this as early as 1991. The late great Mike Russell, then of the Imperial Cancer Research Fund, Health Behaviour Unit at the Institute for Psychiatry was one...

A dog’s breakfast

July 23, 2013

It’s hard to express just how incoherent the main measures in the proposed tobacco products directive really are. But here we go…. The least dangerous, most promising, fastest growing nicotine pr...

The case for regulating e-cigarettes as medicines

July 10, 2013

It’s quite hard to actually find a coherent case for regulating e-cigarettes as medicines. Mostly those making the case show it can be done, but do not show it is the best thing to do or compare i...

We need to talk about the children – the gateway effect examined

June 19, 2013

This Huff Post article is typical of the casual expression of this concern: E-Cigarettes Gain Steam, But Health Experts Wary It Could Serve As ‘Gateway’ To Tobacco Smoking . Similar sentiments f...

Are you being manipulated? The wisdom of the WHO examined…

June 19, 2013

  Perhaps the most troubling contribution was a presentation with the title: Review of the scientific evidence on effectiveness of key measures to reduce smoking, with special reference to the re...

Some truth about e-cigarette regulation and the ‘appalling’ F-grade presentation of the WHO

June 19, 2013

  Mr Roberto Bertollini made a presentation at the EU workshop which was appalling. His presentation consisted in cherry-picking negative studies, studies that show that e-cigarettes are bad, a...